Tuesday, September 3, 2013

THE LIST - 30 Before 30

Today is my 29th birthday and I am beginning an adventure throughout the next year of my life. I have listed 30 things to do before I turn 30. Here we go......

1. Be a bridesmaid in a best friends wedding
2. Weigh my goal weight - For me to know, for you to find out eventually!
3. Run a half marathon
4. Meet a man!
5. Sky dive
6. Get on TV
7. Ride a motorcycle
8. Learn to snowboard
9. Learn to drive a stick shift
10. Join a Crossfit gym
11. Get a makeover
12. Go to a Hawks game
13. Ride in a helicopter or hot air balloon
14. start my masters program
15. Kayak in the Chicago River
16. Eat a bug
17. Go yachting or sailing on Lake Michigan
18. Do a Chicago Segway Tour
19. Full day spa
20. Paint a blank canvas at a BYOB place in the city
21. Go to a Bulls game
22. Eat at a 5 star restaurant
23. Shoot a gun
24. Go to an open call or try out for a reality tv show
25. Botox
26. Buy something fancy for myself
27. Win an award, trophy, or prize
28. Send off my 5 seniors to great colleges (Sluggers)
29. Go out of my 20's with a bang!
30. Keep up this 30 before 30 blog

Here is to a year of adventure! I can't wait for all these phenomenal experiences with friends and family. 

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